The graphs on this page are of pixel intensity or brightness at each pixel.  The horizontal dimensions represent the location of the pixel in the image while the vertical dimension shows the brightness of that pixel.  Some features are identified.  The three images below are black and white croppings from frames 222 - 224 which are used for the intensity graphs.

222 223 224

222 223

The following show smaller regions within those shown above.  The bright areas above and below have been cropped out to allow a better look at the areas in between.


Oops Oops
222 223

There is a general downward slope in 222 from right to left.  This would be expected if some clothing movement caused brighter clothing to be exposed from right to left such as the jacket swinging open to reveal the shirt.  The part of the shirt uncovered at the beginning of the frame exposure, which would be on the right,  would remain uncovered throughout the rest of the exposure.  The shirt would be uncovered later to the left of there so that part of the image would be made up less of shirt and more of jacket.  Farther to the left, there would be even less shirt and more jacket.  The result would be something like that seen in the graph above with intensity sloping downward to the left.  A reflection moving from right to left could also cause this if it just appeared in 222 or if the reflection was brighter on the right.  In 223, however, the left edge of the bright area on JBC's chest, which is adjacent to the bright spots, is sharp indicating no motion of the boundary to the left of the boundary during the exposure.   If the boundary were moving back to the right, as would happen with the jacket swinging shut, a ramp like that in 222 would result.  223 has no such feature but it does suggest that, if a reflection is the explanation here, then it might be a very fleeting one.  If the reflection is moving left then it appears it has passed its peak in 223.  If it did first appear in 222 and it is symmetric, then it would not live long.  Though they are on the right in the graph, the "stripes" are on the window frame and are actually on the far left of the reflection.  They are on the part that is casting the shadow.

224 wider view (from left side of image) 224 narrow view

Frame 224 shows a mostly flat basin of darkness where there had previously been illumination.  There is a bit of a ramp on the right, but there is always some sort of gradient between bright and very dark areas so there is really no indication of any movement of JBC's jacket or whatever else might have caused this area to go dark.  This would mean the jacket, after showing no signs of closing in 223, closed completely without showing any signs in 224, either.